Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage

Do you know your Birthstone(s) and what each stone represents?


garnet   February
amethyst   March
Aquamarine and Bloodstone
aquamarine   April
emerald   June
and Pearl and Moonstone
alexandrite   July
ruby   August
sapphire   October
and Pink Tourmaline
opal   November
Yellow Topaz and Citrine
topaz   December
Blue Topaz and

garnet January's birthstone, Garnet is blood red in colour and garnet means perseverance, truth, patience and consistency. Although most people think that garnets are only red in colour, but garnets come in a variety of colours like pink, green, yellow, violet and orange. This birthstone is even believed to protect from nightmares. All garnets will help to speed up the healing process.

amethyst February's birthstone, Amethyst is a beautiful purple stone associated with sincerity, peace of mind and good health. Amethyst is a symbol of protection and has the power to overcome difficulty. Encourages self control and strengthens the bond in a love relationship. Amethyst is also believed to have great mystical qualities and it can help to steady a restless mind and bring mental and emotional well-being. Amethyst brings intuition, motivation and sincerity. Aids in meditation and stabilizes harsh emotions.

aquamarine March's first birthstone, Aquamarine is a pale blue coloured gemstone and is associated with foresight, knowledge and inspiration. Aquamarine's soothing blue colour is believed to bring mental clarity and releases negative energy from the wearer. Aquamarine brings courage, creativity, perception, hope and self-expression.

bloodstone The second birthstone for March is Bloodstone, a dark green opaque quartz flecked with red spots. The name Bloodstone derives from the legendary belief that the red colouration resulted from the blood of Christ spilling onto green jasper during the crucifixion. For this reason, the stone has been called "martyr's stone."  This stone is good for healing and symbolizes courage.

diamond April's birthstone, Diamond is the symbol of purity, innocence, eternity and courage. Diamond is the most sought after and expensive gem. In ancient times diamonds were believed to be tears of the Gods. The beauty and brilliance of a diamond is unparalleled and birthstones meaning for diamonds is eternal and true love, strength and romance.

emerald May's birthstone, Emerald brings happiness, prosperity, success and goodness. Emerald is also believed to cure ailments and legends said that emeralds had bewitching and magical properties. Emeralds signify honesty, wisdom, growth and patience.

pearl June's first birthstone, Pearl, has long been a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Pearl is worn to calm a restless mind and to control anger. It is believed that people who wear pearl can succeed in creative work and it is also linked with a successful married life.

alexandrite The second birthstone for June is Alexandrite, helps renewal and regeneration, openness to higher self. Brings love, joy and luck. Pinkish in colour, this gemstone has the unique characteristic of changing its colour to a red hue when exposed to a glowing light source, such as candlelight.

moonstone June also has third birthstone Moonstone, named because of its uncanny resemblance to the iridescent sheen of the moon. Moonstone varies in colour from clear to blue-white or peach. It was considered by ancient civilizations to be a sacred stone, bestowing the wearer with great spiritual understanding. A gift of this stone is symbolic of health and longevity. 

ruby July's birthstone, Ruby has been regarded by ancient Hindus as the "king of gems." It was believed to protect its wearer from evil. The ruby's deep-red colour signifies love and passion. It stimulates nurturing emotions. Excellent for shielding from psychic attacks and gathering and amplifying energy. Ruby is associated with harmony, protection, enthusiasm, contentment, success, integrity and strength.

August's birthstone, Peridot signifies innocence, fidelity, strength and faith. It is sometimes called the evening emerald for its light green colour. It was once believed that the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares. It balances your mind and calms emotional storms. Aids digestion and insomnia.

sapphire September's birthstone, Sapphire is associated with faith, honesty, wisdom and serenity. It is believed to increase mental clarity and enhance spirituality in a person. Sapphires are generally deep blue in colour but they are also found in other colors like yellow and pink. Sapphire promotes pure emotions - purity of mind, serenity, joy and peace. Opens the mind to beauty and love. Clears the mind of unwanted thoughts.

October's birthstone, Opal means hope, innocence and purity. It is believed to have healing and restoring qualities and there are many different varieties of opal. Opals are black or white in colour with variations of other colours within the stone. Opals are unique than any other stone and their sheer exquisiteness makes them a much sought after gem. The word comes from the Latin opalus, meaning "precious jewel." Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil.

tourmaline The second birthstone for October is Pink Tourmaline, it has a magical property of pyroelectricity. Scientifically speaking, this means that when heated, the gem takes on a static electric charge, making it capable of attracting lightweight objects. Pink Tourmaline stimulates the creativity of its wearer. Pink varieties of Tourmaline range in colour from pastel pink to ruby red. A gift of this stone is symbolic of hope.

citrine November's birthstone,Citrine is a yellow-to-golden member of the quartz mineral group. Citrine has been called the "stone of the mind" because it helps mental and intellectual functions. Increases your self-esteem and energy. Balances and dissipates negative energy. Cleanses energy and vibrations in the atmosphere. Improves creativity, helps personal clarity and curves self-destructive tendencies.

topaz The second birthstone for November is Yellow Topaz, symbolizes love and affection. It is linked with wisdom, strength, courage and serenity. It soothes physical pain, promotes peace and calms emotions, as well as promoting forgiveness. Promotes individuality, self-confidence, creativity, mental clarity, increases focus and reduces mood swings and anxiety. Counteracts negative emotions.

topaz December's birthstone, Blue Topaz was considered by ancient civilizations to have cooling properties. Believed to calm hot tempers. This gemstone was credited with many other healing powers, among them the ability to cure insanity, asthma, weak vision and insomnia. Blue Topaz is symbolic of love and fidelity.

turqouise The second birthstone for December is Turquoise, signifies fortune, good luck, friendship, happiness, peace and patience. Turquoise brings mental peace and guards against illnesses. Turquoise rings, in particular, are thought to keep away evil spirits. It is a healing stone. Releases shame and guilt.

Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle tarot card readings psychic medium readings classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage

Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
©Eye on Tarot 2025 All rights reserved. Text Giselle for your psychic reading and/or energy healing at 905 921 2571