Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage

Energy Healing Treatments

I am an Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor certified in 2013 and a Reiki Master certified in 2015. I have been doing this for over a decade and
I love Energy Healing!

New for 2025
$140 - half hour of energy healing and a half hour reading

Integrated Energy Therapy® Treatments

integrated energy therapy
1 hr
Healing Crystal and Angel Card
What is IET and How Does Integrated Energy Therapy® Work?

There are 9 areas of our body the energy worker will focus on where we store negative energy in places called cellular memory areas. Emotions such as guilt, anger, resentment, threat, obligations, fear, betrayal, distrust, and stress are stored in the cellular memory of the body, influencing the way we live our lives and interact in relationships. Each of our life experiences has an effect on our emotional, mental, physical wellbeing. Experiences create imprints within our cellular memory, which can lead to disease in the physical body and limit us in reaching our full potential as human beings.
IET is a light touch energy therapy similar to reiki. During the treatment session, you lie fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table while soft soothing music is played in the background.


reiki healing
1 hr
Reiki Healing
Healing Crystal and Angel Card
What is Reiki and How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki is a hands on healing modality which was founded by Sensei Mikao Usui. Reiki raises your consciousness so you can feel more clear, at peace and balanced. Reiki is a Japanese word that can be translated as either “spiritual, sacred energy” or “universal energy”. It is an excellent natural healing method for reducing stress and bringing total relaxation. REIKI is safe to use on any person from unborn to elderly. Helps to balance your Body, Mind and Spirit. It
Reiki is a light touch energy therapy similar to IET. During the treatment session, you lie fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table while soft soothing music is played in the background. Reiki treatments bring your body total relaxation.

Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
©Eye on Tarot 2025 All rights reserved. Text Giselle for your psychic reading and/or energy healing at 905 921 2571