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Understanding the Metaphysical and Magical Purpose of Different Crystals and Gemstones

Quartz crystals have been used for centuries in all parts of the world for healing purposes as well as for strengthening overall mental and spiritual abilities. Choose your crystal by the way it 'feels' to you. If a chipped and ugly one feels right, then that's the crystal for you. To start off, use a clear, single-terminated quartz crystal (it has only one point). Since your crystal picks up vibrations easily, it is necessary to initially cleanse it. You can pack your crystal in salt (preferably sea salt) or soak it in salt water for 7 days (1 tsp. sea salt to 1 qt. of pure water). You can put the crystal in running water (like a stream) or bury it in the earth for 7 days. The vibrations of painful emotions and health problems can be imparted to your crystal, so short cleansings are periodically necessary. For short cleansings, a 3-day period of any of the above procedures is sufficient. If your crystal is handled by someone, clear it with a salt solution soaking for 10-30 minutes. After cleansing, place your crystal in the direct dawn sunlight for 2 to 3 hours to charge and activate it with the life energy of the sun. You can also charge it with moon light.

Metaphysical and Magical Properties of each Gemstone
adventurine Adventurine (Aventurine) - Green or Blue. A good luck stone, especially in financial matters. Calms and stabilizes your emotions. Adventurine is a great overall healing stone and encourages a positive outlook. Green adventurine balances the heart chakra and brings healing and gratitiude. Blue adventurine balances the throat chakra and brings peace, tranquility.
Agate - can take all kinds of colour. Used for protection and healing, increases your courage, self-confidence and energy and even promotes longevity. Helps with the emotion of acceptance.
Alexandrite - renewal and regeneration, openness to higher self. Brings love, joy, and luck. Pinkish or blue in color, this gemstone has the unique characteristic of changing color to a red hue when exposed to a glowing light source, such as candlelight.
Amazonite - helps clarify and improve thinking. Releases blocked emotions, supports communication and enhances psychic senses. Inspires creativity and personal expression. Taps into distant memories and ancestral energies.
Amber - healing, protection from negativity, increases enthusiasm and energy. Helps with the ability to make decisions, activates altruistic nature. Helps the realization of the spiritual intellect. Sharpens the mind and strengthens the nervous system.
Amethyst - increases vivid, psychic dreams, relieves depression, promotes calmness and spirituality. Helps with addiction and stress. Helps with headaches, edginess, facilitates healing, inner peace, intuition and stimulates the third eye.
Ammolite - it is derived from the ammonite fossil. Multi-coloured fossil. Many feng shui experts believe that all matter is energy or qi. One form of this qi is light energy. Our brain interprets light energy as colour, so these colours are specific wavelengths of energy that can be used to balance our qi.
Apatite - helps stuttering and hypertension. Helps with all forms of communication and expression. Rids one of guilt and grief. Strengthens the physical structure of bones, teeth and muscle tissue. Activates the intellect and deepens understanding and awareness.
Aquamarine - improves sight, sharpens the mind, calms and clarifies your emotions. Calms nerves, increases mental clarity and helps focus in meditation. Boosts the immune system and balances the thymus and throat chakra. Promotes safe travel, especially over water.
Aragonite - grounding and centering, facing truth and reality. Pulls disparate elements together, helps with problem solving. Useful for studying and taking exams. Releases stress and impatience.
Azurite - increases psychic ability and aids in meditation. Relieves arthritis and joint pain. Draws out your stress, improves communication. Reveals mysteries, aids the expansion of consciousness.
Bloodstone - the warrior stone, a fabulous healer & cleanser. Purifies your bloodstream, bladder, strengthens your organs. Brings strength, increases courage and charitability. Energizes and balances the heart and the root chakras.
Carnelian - combats fear of public speaking. Repairs the sacral chakra. Releases stress and trauma. General healing stone.Carnelian stimulates curiosity & initiative and enhances creativity.Worn for courage, confidence and protection from harm.
Chrysocolla - soothes nervous tension by relaxing your body and emotions. Enhances your creative flow. Brings change, success and peace. Helps communication, good for throat and chest problems.
Chrysoprase - soothes heartache and helps depression by promoting emotional balance, wisdom and peace. Promotes a sound sleep and deep rest. Brings you good luck, security and serenity. Connects and conveys the harmonious energy with nature.
Citrine - helps digestion and aids in mental and intellectual functions. Increases your self-esteem and energy. Balances and dissipates negative energy. Cleanses energy and vibrations in the atmosphere. Improves creativity, helps personal clarity and curves self-destructive tendencies. Great for the solar plexus chakra.
coral Coral - helps in childbirth and adoption. Wards off bad thoughts from others and promotes general well-being. Protects you from harm. Strengthens the heart and blood circulation it also boosts fertility and sex drive.
Diamond - manifests abundance. A diamond is the symbol of purity, innocence, eternity and courage. The most sought after and expensive gem. In ancient times it was believed to be tears of the Gods. The beauty and brilliance of a diamond is unparalleled and means eternal and true love, strength and romance.
Emerald - a mind stone. Enhances your memory, promotes clear and quick thinking. Emerald brings happiness, prosperity, success and goodness. It is believed to cure ailments. Emeralds signify wisdom, growth, and patience. Great for the heart chakra.
flourite Flourite (multicolor) - enhances spiritual energy work. Helps us master physical skills and improve dexterity and balance. Encourages a sense of self worth. A stone for inspiration, innovation, planning and invention. Promotes healing on all levels.
Garnet - balances your natural energy. A highly protective stone. Increases confidence and security. Garnets means perseverance, truth, patience and consistency. Garnets come in a variety of colors like pink, green, yellow, violet and orange. Garnet protects from nightmares.
Goldstone - uplifting, reduces tension and stomach problems. Helps restore balance in the sacral chakra.
Hematite - great stone for grounding. Calms and soothes, reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. Protects against harm. Reduces inflammation. Boosts self esteem. Supports blood circulation. Energizes all aspects of mind and body.
Howlite - reduces stress and anxiety. Quietly soothes and calms to bring gentleness and patience. Helps bring peace to the mind and assists with insomnia. Helps to control anger.
Jade - brings wisdom, mercy, humility, generosity, peace and harmony. Protective and lucky when worn as jewelery. Place a bit under your pillow at night for restorative dreams. Associated with longevity. Increases a sense of belonging. Great for the heart chakra.
Jasper - multi-coloured jasper calms a troubled mind. Helps with digestive problems and other sicknesses. Nurtures any damaged areas of your body. Gently grounds, great for the root chakra.
Labradorite - boosts your inner strength and convictions. Aids in combating addictions. Helps our ability to focus on personal issues without letting external influences affect us. Encourages us to embrace new ideas and new opportunities. Releases negative energy.
Lapis Lazuli - emotional healing and stability. High intensity stone which cleanses the spirit to bring out inner truth and peace A mental & spiritual cleanser, when used on 3rd eye for meditation it eliminates old & negative emotions. Use with other healing stones.
leopard skin jasper
Leopard Skin Jasper - aids in finding and achieving life's goals.
Malachite - strong stone which helps release negative emotions and protect from psychic attack. Relieves pain and locates and corrects emotional imbalances. Promotes the development of new ideas. Absorbs environmental pollutants. It is associated with growth and abundance.
Moonstone - helpful in psychic work. Opens the spirit to the feminine aspect. Draws love and helps in interpersonal relationships. Soothes & balances your emotions. Encourages inner growth & strength. Brings peace, harmony, psychic abilities.
Morganite - love, empathy, patience and compassion. Heals the emotional self. Melts boundaries and makes everything seem possible. A good stone for meditation and to link us to the earth's natural energy.
obsidian Obsidian- a very protective stone. It can absorb negative energies from your environment. You should regularly cleanse obsidian in running water. Obsidian forms when volcanic lava connects with water, the water cools the rock so fast it gives the rock a shiny, glassy texture.
onyx Onyx - good protective stone. Keeps away general negativity. Helps objective thinking, spiritual inspiration, eliminates negative thinking, clears stress and helps neurological disorders.
opal Opal - Awakens and helps understanding of psychic intuition and mysticism. Encourages living with faithfulness and loyalty. Opal means hope, innocence and purity. It is believed to have healing and restoring qualities and there are many different varieties of opal. Opals are black or white in color with variations of other colors within the stone.
pearl Pearl - Calms extreme situations. Encourages flow and change. Balances the emotions and increases tolerance. Reduces tension and anxiety. It is believed that people who wear pearl can succeed in creative work and have a successful married life.
Peridot - balances your emotional mind and calms emotional storms. It signifies purity, innocence, fidelity, strength and faith. It is also linked with protection from evil has healing properties. The peridot protects the wearer from nightmares. Aids digestion and insomnia and increases psychic powers.
pyrite Pyrite - a traditional symbol for money and good luck. It's sunny golden color associates it with the sun, and with fortification and strengthening of the mind. Makes a wonderful energy shield by blocking out negativity from various sources.
Quartz - clear quartz is the best healing stone. It builds psychic energy and aids meditation and visualization. A balancer and channeller of universal energy and unconditional love. Clear quartz helps to reveal the truth. Used for divination and scrying. Strengthens the whole aura. Cleanses and shifts energy. Releases blocked emotions and helps bring tranquility. Increases perception and brings spiritual peace.
Rhodochrosite - love drawing stone. Helps release past psychological issues. Helps eyesight, digestion and reproductive organs. Enhances self worth and self confidence. Releases tensions and drives away anger.
Rhodonite - self-affirmation and self-love. Helps us to remain calm in arguments and resolve disagreements in a loving way. Dispels negative states of mind, confusion and anxiety.
rose quartz
Rose Quartz - great for attracting love. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as promoting peace, forgiveness and nurturing.
Ruby - stimulates nurturing emotions and economic stability. The deep-red color signifies love and passion. It stimulates nurturing emotions and economic stability. Excellent for shielding from psychic attacks and gathering and amplifying energy. Ruby is associated with harmony, protection, enthusiasm, contentment, success, integrity and strength.
Sapphire - promotes light, pure emotions and opens the mind to beauty and love. Clears the mind of unwanted thoughts. It is associated with purity, faith, honesty, wisdom and serenity. Believed to increase mental clarity and enhance spirituality in a person. Sapphires are generally deep blue in color but they are also found in other colors like yellow and pink.
Sardonyx - encourages self-control and courage in public speaking. Relieves anxiety and grief. Brings protection, luck and peace.
smoky quartz
Smoky Quartz - a grounding stone which helps reduce depression and negative emotions.
snowflake obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian - protects against nightmares and emotional draining.
Sodalite - dispels guilt and fear and draws wisdom. Helps improve contact and communication with others.
sunstone Sunstone - helps you develop originality, encourages independence and alleviates fearfulness. It is said to bring good fortune and abundance. It can help with depression and also helps with Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Tanzanite - increases psychic abilities and enhances spiritual connectedness.
Tiger's Eye - clear thinking, helps in manifesting will, courage, and confidence.
Topaz - soothes physical pain, promotes peace and calms emotions, as well as promoting forgiveness. Promotes individuality, self-confidence, and creativity. Counteracts negative emotions. Balances emotions, releases tension.
Tourmaline (multicolor) - calm, protection, focus and balance. Promotes self-assurance and goodwill. Dispels fear and negativity. Calms nerves and improves your concentration. Raises vibrations and personal charisma.
Turquoise - healing stone. Attracts friendships, luck, and happiness. signifies fortune, good luck, friendship, happiness, peace and patience. Turquoise brings mental peace and guards against illnesses. Releases shame and guilt.
Unakite - promotes balance and emotional stability. Transforms negative emotions into positive ones.
zincite Zincite - helps us to accept change. Zincite helps us become optimistic and adventurous. Gives us the courage to face past hurt and heal old wounds by dealing with issues that may be inhibiting us.

If your crystal is small enough, carry it with you wherever you go. You can sleep with it, meditate with it, talk to it or say your prayers with it. The more it is exposed to you, the more attuned to your vibration it becomes. To some degree, it will even protect you from the negative effects of artificial environments and shield you from negative forces. Minerals and Gems have been given many attributes and have been used for many different purposes throughout the ages.

Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
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