Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage

Getting the most out of your Psychic reading

Are you stuck, frustrated or unclear where your life is heading? Do you find yourself spinning your wheels, or simply not making progress in critical areas of your life, even though you spend MOST of your time obsessing about them? Do you find yourself wondering about the "meaning of life" or harboring thoughts of "is THIS all there is" more often than you should, or is even healthy?

The key to getting the best psychic advice that you can really use is to ask the right TYPE of questions. You don't want to ask "why" questions that victimize you, or put you into a frame of mind that strips, saps and soaks your self confidence.

"Why do I keep getting passed over for a promotion?" is an example of a BAD question that many folks will ask.

Or, "why can't I meet a man who will be faithful?" is another.


Ask empowering questions.

Questions that are not "why" oriented, but WHAT or HOW oriented.

For example -

"What is the lesson I'm supposed to learn about relationships through the choices I'm making?"

Or -

"How can I use this experience to further my own spiritual growth, evolution, power and overall purpose?"

It's amazing how simply framing things differently can transform your sense of personal power, and the idea that there is a greater, expanded awareness we are ALL supposed to glean and gain from each experience.

Some of the most important life lessons ... were the hardest and most painful events or experiences I've had.

And yet, looked at through the prism or perspective of personal growth and spiritual development, I recognize that had I NOT had those things happen... the chances are, I never would have made important decisions that have allowed me to go, grow and mature in ways I never would have otherwise.

The people that make great spiritual progress and ultimately achieve the greatest levels of happiness are those that see each and every human experience as an opportunity to evolve.

Change the way you look at your own life, your own challenges and obstacles.
Embrace ALL experiences and all people for what they are - a magical and mysterious part of your spiritual adventure and a critical part of your karma as well!

*Above Article Source:

Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage

Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
©Eye on Tarot 2025 All rights reserved. Text Giselle for your psychic reading and/or energy healing at 905 921 2571