Positive Affirmations
Self-affirmations are positive statements that can condition the subconscious mind to help you develop a more positive perception of yourself. Affirmations can help you to change harmful behaviors or to help you accomplish goals. They can also help to undo the damage caused by negative scripts, those things which we repeatedly tell ourselves that contribute to a negative self-perception.
Affirmations are easy to create and use, but you'll need true dedication to make them work. Choose a few to recite at least 3 times a day, every day.
The future is bright. I am full of faith, hope and happiness.
Life is wonderful. I trust in God and the Universe to provide me with a wonderful life.
I now overcome any fears and insecurities and choose to live life courageously.
I am ridding my mind of all negative thoughts and filling it with positive ones.
I won’t allow limiting beliefs to keep me from experiencing life to the fullest.
I am attracting positive and healing energy to my body, mind and soul.
I am filled with positive energy. I am healing myself and helping others too.
I am powerful. There is no problem I cannot overcome and conquer.
I am happy when I go after the things I want in life and I achieve them.
I am competent. I am in control of my life. Nothing stands in my way.
My mind is powerful and full of wisdom and healing energy.
I am calm. I am in control. I am safe. I am successful.
It feels so good to be in control of my mind, my body, and my life.
I love myself and I deserve the awesome life I am creating for myself today.
I accept myself for who I am without judgment or criticism.
I honour my Light that shines brightly for all the world to see.
There are no limits to what I can achieve in my life.
I release all negativity and I will only focus on the positive in my life.
I have courage to confront my fears, I am fearless.
I will be an inspiration to all of those around me.
I make intelligent, well thought out choices.
I am able to see each day as an opportunity to make things better.
I honour the wisdom of my soul and I will trust in the guidance I am given.
I believe in myself. I believe I can make a difference.
I will no longer allow my fears to interfere with my success.
I love what I do and I am doing my best to succeed.
I am capable of making GREAT things happen.
I am determined to succeed and I trust I am supported by the Universe.
I welcome success and happiness into my life.
I believe all things are possible.
I appreciate what the Universe has given me and I trust my needs will continue to be taken care of.
I release all fears and limitations, I can do anything.
I will no longer allow fear to keep me from enjoying my life.
I am strong and confident knowing I will come through this.
I release all of the ties that bind me to this anxiety and depression.
I am ready to express my thoughts and feelings.
I am an instrument of hope to those souls in need of encouragement.
I will allow myself to be inspired and guided by my soul's wisdom.
I allow my Angels to guide me for my greatest good and I appreciate their guidance.
I trust the Universe will show me the way through this difficult situation.
I have the courage to confront any challenge that comes to me today.
I am a strong and independent soul capable of achieving great things.
I choose success, joy and happiness for my life.
Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
©Eye on Tarot 2025 All rights reserved. Text Giselle for your psychic reading and/or energy healing at 905 921 2571