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What are the Ancient Elder Futhark Runes, what do they mean?

wooden runes

Runes are an ancient alphabet used by European tribes 2000 years ago to name places and things, attract luck, provide protection, and magically divine the course of  future events. Runes were carved onto stone or wood.  The tools of the time were an ax, knife or chisel and they could not easily form curved lines, so Runic letters were formed by using only straight lines. Almost all of Europe used Runic letters at one time. Today they are best remembered for their use by the Vikings.  The oldest known form and arrangement of Runic letters, the Elder Futhark Runes, are estimated by the British Museum to have been in use by the Vikings around 200 A.D.  Some believe it to be much earlier.  In Norse, the Elder Futhark is read from right to left.  
"F U T H A R K" is the first 6 symbols of the Runic alphabet (note "th" is one letter).
The 24 Runes are divided into 3 aett's. The following is my own interpretation of each Elder Futhark Rune Symbol in both the right side up and reversed meanings. Once you get accustomed to the runic symbols and meanings you can actually "read" the runes from the natural world around you, trees, vegetation even clouds. Runic symbols can also be found in modern architecture, design, technology.

It's easy to make your own set of Runes. All you need is 24 small similar shaped objects.
My set is made from a branch of oak tree that fell down after a storm. I cut the branch into 24 equal lengths a 1/4" wide, then sanded each piece and carved and painted them. But you can also use smooth river rocks or clay.

Freyja's Aett

FehuFehu pronounced fay-hoo (F: Cattle, wealth) Runic half month is June 29 - July 14
Fehu right side up: Prosperity, you have earned income. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Energy, foresight and fertility.
Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, loss of self-esteem. It can indicate some sort of failure. Abundance turning into greed, burnout, ignorance. Possible poverty or feeling bonded to materialism, never having enough.

UruzUruz pronounced ooo-ruse (U: Auroch, a wild ox) Runic half month is July 14 - July 29
Uruz right side up: The wild ox possesses raw physical strength and speed with untamed potential. This is a time of great energy and good health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, understanding and wisdom.
Uruz Reversed or Merkstave: Feeling weak or feeling low energy, dominated by others. Sickness, inconsistency, ignorance. Lust, brutality, rashness and possible violence.

ThurisazThurisaz pronounced thur-ee-saws (TH: Thorn or a Giant.) Runic half month is July 29 - August 13
Thurisaz right side up: Protection, a thorny vine of destruction and defense. conflict. Instinctual will, regenerative, breaking down barriers and bringing change. Purging and cleansing fire. (Thor, the Thunder god)
Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave:
Danger, defenselessness, repression, betrayal, malice, torment, spite and lies. Not good.
Someone or some issue is a thorn in your side.

AnsuzAnsuz pronounced awn-sooz (A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) Runic half month is August 13 - August 29
Ansuz right side up: A revealing message or insight, communication. Order, rebirth, consciousness, knowledge, wisdom, mental agility and creative expression. Receiving blessings and taking good advice. Good health, using reason, truth and communication.
Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave
: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, confusion and boredom.

RaidhoRaidho pronounced rye-tho (R: Wagon or chariot.) Runic half month is August 29 - September 13
Raidho right side up: Circular flow, travel, both in physical terms and those of lifestyle direction. Embarking on a journey, vacation, relocation, evolution and progression. Seeing things in a larger perspective.
Raidho Reversed or Merkstave: Crisis, being too rigid, stasis, injustice and irrationality. Disruption, demotion, delusion, going around in circles without getting anywhere.

KenazKenaz pronounced kane-awz (K: Beacon or torch.) Runic half month is September 13 - September 28
Kenaz right side up: A flame or torch, a vision, revelation, obtaining knowledge and inspiration. The fire of life, controlled power, fire of wisdom. Power to create your own reality using the power of enlightenment. Open to sexual energy, human passion and lust.
Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, darkness, breakup, instability, lack of wisdom and lack of creativity. Feeling overexposed, loss of illusion and false hope.

GeboGebo pronounced gae-bow (G: Gift.) Runic half month is September 28 - October 13
Gebo right side up: Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity. Balance, the crossing of two forces. All matters in relation to exchanges, connections, contracts, personal relationships and partnerships.
Gebo Merkstave: (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice without appreciation and obligations.

WunjoWunjo pronounced woon-jo (W or V: Joy.) Runic half month is October 13 - October 28
Wunjo right side up: Joy, comfort, pleasure, fellowship, kinship, friendship, harmony and prosperity. Ecstasy, glory, spiritual reward the happiest rune. Success and recognition of worth.
Wunjo Reversed or Merkstave: Sorrow, tension, unhappiness and feeling alone.

Heindall's Aett

HagalazHagalaz pronounced haw-ga-laws (H: Hail.) Runic half month is October 28 - November 13
Hagalaz right side up: Transformation, personal change, the wrath of nature and destructive forces. Bad weather, stormy situations within the subconscious. Tempering, testing, trial and error. Controlled crisis, leading to completion and finally inner harmony.
Hagalaz Merkstave: (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, b
ut may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, self sabotage, catastrophe. Be prepared for consequences, There may be pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness and crisis.

NauthizNauthiz pronounced now-these (N: Need.) Runic half month is November 13 - November 28
Nauthiz right side up: Necessities, needs, delays and restrictions. Resistance leading to strength, innovation and self-reliance. Dealing with conflict and using your will power to overcome those conflicts.
Nauthiz Reversed or Merkstave: Constraints on your freedom and some limitations. Extreme needs and wants. Feeling deprived, impoverished and unwanted.

IsaIsa pronounced ee-saw (I: Ice.) Runic half month is November 28 - December 13
Isa right side up: Feeling stuck, caught in a rut, challenged or frustrated. Ice is slow moving, a slow expansion, Take this time to think things through. At a standstill, you need to wait for what's next. Search for clarity.
Isa Merkstave: (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Stagnation and procrastination, slowing yourself down.
Your energy is frozen. Holding yourself back.

JeraJera pronounced yair-aw (J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) Runic half month is December 13 - December 28
Jera right side up: The results of your earlier efforts are harvested. Peace and happiness. Time to enjoy the fruits of your labours all season. A breakthrough. Expect peace and prosperity if you have taken the right actions. Christmas season.
Jera Merkstave: (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Sudden setback, unforeseen changes, having bad timing, poverty and conflict.

EihwazEihwaz pronounced eye-waz (EI: Yew tree.) Runic half month is December 28 - January 13
Eihwaz right side up: A new or different stage or course on life. You have a sense of purpose. Indicating you have the gift of communication. Strength, perserverance and good connections.
Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, fear of the unknown and missed communications.

PerthroPerthro pronounced perth-row (P: Dice cup) Runic half month is January 13 - January 28
Perthro right side up: Uncertain meanings, mysteries. F
emale fertility, sexuality and birth. Kinship, fellowship and joy. Taking chances, throwing the dice and the wheel of fortune.
Perthro Reversed or Merkstave: Addiction, stagnation, loneliness and possible female reproductive problems.
Not open to chance.

AlgizAlgiz pronounced all-geese (Z or -R: Elk, protection.) Runic half month is January 28 - February 12
Algiz right side up: Having protection, defense from harm, using your antlers. Spirit, sanctuary, refuge and providing a line of defense. Following your basic instincts. Keeping hold of success or moving up.
Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Protect yourself from hidden dangers. A warning to look out for yourself.

SowiloSowilo pronounced so-wheel-o (S: The sun.) Runic half month is February 12 - February 27
Sowilo right side up: Partnership, success and achieving goals. The life-force, health. A time when power will be available to you for positive changes in your life, victory and good health. Contact and communication. Understanding, feeling powerful basking in the sun.
Sowilo Merkstave: (Sowilo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): False goals, or losing sight of your goals. Self-destruction and injustice. Too much sun causes sunburn.

Tyr's Aett

TiwazTiwaz pronounced tea-was (T: Tyr, the sky god.) Runic half month is February 27 - March 14
Tiwaz right side up: Order, justice, support, leadership and authority. The mystery of spirituality and faith. Having the tools to defend oneself, Tiwaz is a symbol for an arrow. Brings victory and success in a competition or in legal matters.
Tiwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Warlike, hurtful, too much aggression, too much testosterone. This could be a no win situation.

BerkanoBerkano pronounced bur-kan-o (B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Runic half month is March 14 - March 30
Berkano right side up: Birth, fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth. Nurturing, brings regenerative power and renewal like the season of spring. Berkano promises new beginnings and new growth. It can revitalize your spirit.
Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems, marriage problems, not fertile there is no new growth. Someone may be concealing something from you.

EhwazEhwaz pronounced ee-waz (E: Horse, two horses.) Runic half month is March 30 - April 14
Ehwaz right side up: Transportation by horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Going somewhere by using steady progress. Partnerships, loyalty and working together. A possible marriage or new business partnership.
Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is a neutral rune. Maybe you crave change, you feel restless and want to get moving. There is discontentment.

MannazMannaz pronounced man-naws (M: Man, mankind.) Runic half month is April 14 - April 29
Mannaz right side up: Humanity, intelligence, helpfulness and perfection. Respecting others as you would like others to respect you. Friends helping and co-operation. Creating divine structure by using your own abilities. Increasing awareness of the people around you.
Mannaz Reversed or Merkstave: Manipulation, craftiness, cold calculation someone won't help.
No co-operation when you need it.

LaguzLaguz pronounced la-gooz (L: Water, or a leek.) Runic half month is April 29 -May 14
Laguz right side up: Life, energy, organic growth and flow. The fluidity of life force. Laguz represents water, the sea and the healing power of renewal. Immersed in knowledge and washes away negative energies.
Laguz Reversed or Merkstave: There is a block in the flow of knowledge leading to confusion. Making the wrong decisions or using poor judgement.

IngwazIngwaz pronounced ing-waz (NG: Ing, the earth god.) Runic half month is May 14 - May 29
Ingwaz right side up: Male fertility sexuality and sexual energy. Channeling energies and bringing things together. Bursts of potent energy. Protection of household and fathering. The more energy you move toward an outcome the greater chance the outcome will be realized.
Ingwaz Merkstave: (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): No energy, impotence, infertility, movement without change. Hard work, stress and unfocused energy.

DagazDagaz pronounced da-gauze (D: Day or dawn.) Runic half month is May 29 - June 14
Dagaz right side up: Daylight, devine light a breakthrough. Clarity and lightness as opposed to uncertainty and darkness. Hope, happiness believing that the sun will come out tomorrow. Using fire energy.
Dagaz Merkstave: (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Blindness, denial, depression and hopelessness.
Too much fire energy can burn itself out.

OthalaOthala pronounced oath-awe-la (O: Ancestral property.) Runic half month is June 14 - June 29
Othala right side up: Inherited property, ancestry prosperity and possessions. What makes a house a home. What's really important, our values, heritage, experiences and birth right. Success with life.
Othala Reversed or Merkstave: Lack of order, bad karma, bondage
, materialism your desires are not manifested. Broken dreams.

Blank Rune: There is no historical support for a "Blank Rune". It was invented in the 1980's. Please don't use it. Save it in case you lose another rune piece.

Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
©Eye on Tarot 2025 All rights reserved. Text Giselle for your psychic reading and/or energy healing at 905 921 2571

Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage