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Discovering the Seven Chakras

There are seven major chakras. The word chakra means wheel or turning.

Chakras are believed to be spinning vortices within the human body from which a person collects and stores energy. You cannot see chakras with the naked eye or even a microscope for that matter. However, each chakra is invisibly aligned in an ascending column from the perineum/lower groin area to the crown/top of the head and is also associated with a different colour in the rainbow.
The 7 chakras are also connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Chakras spin and draw in environmental energy to keep the spiritual, emotional and physical health of the body in balance. The chakras energize and revitalize the mind, body and spirit but may also become blocked at times as they are directly affected by your physical, emotional and mental interactions.

According to medical intuitive and author, Caroline Myss, who described chakras in her work Anatomy of the Spirit (1996), "Every thought and experience you've ever had in your life gets filtered through these chakra databases. Each event is recorded into your cells...", meaning your biography becomes your biology.

The first two chakras Muladhara and Swadhisthana open when in the presence of nature or through yoga and other pleasurable forms of exercise and lovemaking. The third chakra Manipura opens through a sense of personal fulfillment. The forth chakra Anahata opens when you can give and receive unconditional love. The fifth chakra Vishuddha opens through communication.The sixth chakra Ajna opens when you are able to communicate with the psychic and spiritual realms. The seventh chakra Sahasrara opens after deep meditation and when you feel connected to the spiritual world. If one chakra becomes blocked it will limit the openness of all other chakras that lay in succession of the block. I have written a meditation to clear and balance the chakras.
Chakra Colours
1st Muladhara
The Root Chakra - RED - perineum/lower groin area
Red stimulates, activates and energizes. The first chakra is in charge of passion, sexual desires, lust, physical action and activity. It encompasses the use of practical skills, movement, motivation, protection, physical survival and the use of fight or flight mechanisms. To clear and balance the Base chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of the colour red. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "LUM."
The red gemstone chosen for the Base Chakra is the Garnet.

2nd Swadhisthana
The Sacral Chakra - ORANGE - base of spine area
Orange has both energizing and focusing qualities. The second chakra is in charge or the flow or lack of flow of emotional energy within the body. When the sacral chakra is flowing smoothly the emotional energy of learning creativity and artistic skills are stimulated. When this chakra is blocked it can contain the emotional energy of violence and anger. To clear and balance the Sacral chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of the colour orange. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "VUM."
The orange gemstone chosen for the Sacral Chakra is the Carnelian.
3rd Manipura
The Solar Plexus Chakra - YELLOW - stomach and naval area
Yellow helps to regulate the nervous system, digestive systems and immune systems of the body. Also feelings and emotions of power, fear, stress, happiness and growth are associated to this chakra. To clear and balance the Solar Plexus chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of the colour yellow. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "RUM."
The yellow gemstone chosen for the Solar Plexus Chakra is Citrine.

4th Anahata
The Heart Chakra - GREEN AND ALSO CAN BE PINK - heart area - middle of chest
Green is associated with the heart chakra which is responsible for unconditional love and emotional fulfillment. Pink helps to balance our emotions and sensitivity. Our emotional relationships and the qualities needed for personal growth are linked to this chakra. To clear and balance the Heart chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of the colour green or pink. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "YUM."
The green gemstone chosen for the Heart Chakra is green Aventurine. To represent pink use Rose Quartz.
5th Vishuddha
The Throat Chakra - BLUE - the throat area
Blue aids in communication and the ability to express oneself clearly. This chakra is also receptive of our 5 senses; taste, touch, see, smell and hear and the ability to transmit and comprehend communications. Including your thoughts and the ability to express yourself are associated with this chakra. To clear and balance the Throat chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of the colour blue. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "HUM."
The blue gemstone chosen for the Throat Chakra is Sodalite.

6th Ajna
The Brow Chakra or Third Eye Chakra - INDIGO or PURPLE - between the eyes
Purple and indigo are associated with receiving, understanding and trusting our intuition. Other qualities of this chakra, include a deep sense of peace, faith and psychic connection. To clear and balance the Brow chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of the colour purple. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "OM."
The purple gemstone chosen for the Brow Chakra is Amethyst.

7th Sahasrara
The Crown Chakra - VIOLET or WHITE - top of head
Violet and white reflect the qualities of pure consiousness, universality, spiritual connection and clarity. White light contains within it all the other colours of the rainbow, so it has the potential to balance all energies. This chakra is associated with clarity, cleansing, purification, inspiration, truth, imagination, empathy and inner knowledge. To clear and balance the Crown chakra close your eyes and concentrate on feeling the energy of white light. If you are comfortable with mantras you may chant the sound "NG."
The white gemstone chosen for the Crown Chakra is clear Quartz.

A lesser known chakra, but no less important than the other 7 is the Soulstar Chakra. 
It varies from a few inches to about a foot above your head. The soul star chakra brings in spiritual energy. It is silver or ultra violet in colour. 
It contains sources of past knowledge, karmic memory, time & timelessness, karma and spiritual portals in and through this universe. 

You also have chakras at the bottom of your feet and in the palms of your hands that are vital for sending and receiving psychic information and healing energies. I use my hand chakras while healing in Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments and my foot chakras for grounding.

7 chakra crystals

Energy Healing the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage reiki healing spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals classes homepage integrated energy therapy treatments by Psychic Medium Giselle classes reiki History of Tarot the Tarot Card Meanings Pyschic Medium Readings Tarot Card, Psychic Parties Rates, Map and Contact info About Psychic Giselle Western Horoscope What's your Birthstone crystals and gemstones integrated energy therapy treatments Elder Futhark Runes understanding the seven chakras candles and magic chinese zodiac meditation smudging with sage guardian angels spiritual quotes how to use a pendulum getting the most from your psychic reading understanding the pentagram Twitter Tweets find me on facebook 25 best psychic books for psychic development testimonials for Giselle science of quartz crystals chakra cleansing angel meditation homepage

Professional Psychic Medium Giselle Urech, owner of Eye on Tarot, helping to Empower Women since 2009 !
This is a safe place for Women. Psychic Readings and Energetic Healings are Confidential. (Appointment Needed - No Walk ins)
Confidential and private Psychic Readings, Psychic Counselling, Reiki Treatments and IET - Integrated Energy Therapy Treatments in Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Empowering Women with Psychic Guidance and Energetic Healing of the Body, Mind and Soul.
©Eye on Tarot 2025 All rights reserved. Text Giselle for your psychic reading and/or energy healing at 905 921 2571